August 23, 1834

Early departure. Nice weather. Mostly Englishmen, among them Major Mitchell of the 75th British Regiment from Edinburgh, all returned [to the boat]. About ten o’clock we reached Emmerich, the Prussian border. We handed in our passports but were not checked and got away after one hour without much trouble. A few hours later, we reached Rees, then Xanten on the right left, which is located a little away from the riverbank.

After lunch we were at Wesel, where we did not stop. [We] then sailed through the floating bridge and ran into the whirlpool, or rapids, located here. That delayed the boat so much that we could not move and had to take several dangerous turns. Finally we succeeded at getting into the better shipping channel and continued to sail. We spent a night that passed rather quickly in the crowded cabin without beds; we sailed by Düsseldorf.

Current Location

Journal Location: Düsseldorf, Germany