June 11, 1834

We went outside early to look at the landscape. In the vicinity of the town, on the prairie, we found a large number of turkey buzzards assembled around some dead animals. They landed on neighboring fences when we approached. A large dog had harmoniously shared their meal. A little farther on, we found the beautiful plants mentioned earlier and [collected specimens of] them. Here we [also] found the bright vermilion-red [——] that we had first come across near St. Louis. A few Gleditsia triacanthos, [trees] that grow to great height and size in the forests of Indiana, also stood here. Their dainty leaves make [the trees] look like umbrellas, recalling the shape of mimosas in tropical countries.

Messrs. Bodmer and Lesueur later went to Warrior’s Hill and sketched a view of the town from there. They could not find their way back because of the marsh, so [they] were late and missed lunch. The river was rising [rapidly] today; a steamboat arrived. The Wabash, [a] significant [stream], can be crossed here on a ferry. Mr. Lesueur brought [me] the beautiful white-blooming Baptisia alba [——], which does not seem to occur near town very often. The evening was so cool that we asked the hotel for woolen blankets that night.

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Journal Location: Vincennes, IN