March 12, 1834
In the morning, slightly cloudy sky; calm; cold. At seven thirty, 15°F [−9.4°C]; wind [initially] very light [but] at eight thirty already stronger out of the southeast. Again old Addíh-Hiddísch did not want to be drawn. He was going beaver hunting soon, but [he] would return and would be better dressed then. This was likely only an excuse. The [deaf-] mute Mandans brought back fresh meat again from their hunt—they are good, hard-working hunters. Wind cold and strong.
Mándeh-Páhchu came to be drawn, but Péhriska-Rúhpa came far better dressed, and he was drawn. Today Kipp poured duck shot [pellets]. Dreidoppel went hunting in the opposite forest but did not see anything other than a rabbit and eight to ten prairie hens that were too shy. At twelve thirty, 33 3/4°F [1°C]. Wind [direction] as before, but very strong. In the afternoon the drawing of Péhriska-Rúhpa continued. The ground thawed a little on the surface. In the evening the wind abated; it was pleasant and not cold. Kipp wrote letters until late in the night, because he will send Picotte’s people back tomorrow. Old Addíh-Hiddísch went home with his wife in the afternoon. Evening dark, overcast, stormy, moderately cold. In the night, very much wind.